• What is Employee Intelligence?
    Spoiler Alert: It's YOUR competitive advantage

    You have a hidden source of energy in your business
    to propel business success. So why not use it?
    (If you don't, your competitors will)

Get your competitive edge...

... and push your competitors over the ledge

How we help you - the benefits of Employee Intelligence

Employee Intelligence was created to enable you to reap the benefits of having a loyal committed workforce with a strong psychological contract, and actionable business intelligence. Before we developed Employee Intelligence, the market offered expensive complicated processes for gathering employee and business data, with the subsequent analysis of results being mediocre at best.

We therefore set about creating solutions that provide the most complete and detailed analysis of employee perceptions and capability available. We shield you from the cutting edge (or complicated) database technology we developed to drive such analysis, and at the same time offer an online interface that is easy to use. We believe you will agree with our existing customers, that it is impossible for any other company to match the 'simple sophistication™' of our products and services.

With Employee Intelligence you can:

  • Make your business thrive
  • Reduce Staff Costs
  • Compare your business performance against your competitors
  • Identify underperforming employees and managers
  • Forecast if your business will thrive or fail
  • Recover a failing business
  • Monitor Performance

The Employee Intelligence Technology

We developed a cloud based Business Intelligence and E-assessment engine to make tangible the concept of Employee Intelligence, by creating proprietary algorithms which enable longitudinal analysis of organizational attitudes and competencies, and the application of affective forecasting. We deliver Employee Intelligence via our software as a service (SaaS) could based platform. (See 'What is Software as a Service?')

The Employee Intelligence Innovation

For a business to succeed, the leadership must manage all aspects of the organisation. From the HR perspective, much is made of Employee Surveys and Employee Engagement. Such cross-sectional studies however have limiting factors; their historic nature, the inability to determine cause and effect, flaws and skews due to conflict of interest. Such data can only tell you what HAS happened in your business.

With Employee Intelligence, you can forecast what WILL happen to your business. We tell you when to close the stable door, rather than close the stable door after the horse has bolted. We don’t give you Employee Engagement, we give you the Employee Advantage, by using Employee Intelligence, not just Employee Data.

Get ready to eliminate your competitors

Employee Intelligence is the innovative company behind the world's most powerful business analysis system. No matter what size your business is, we analyse the whole business, pinpointing strengths which provide competitive advantage and identifying weaknesses which jeopardise the life of your business.

Business is a cut throat game. Your competitors are circling like vultures, poised to rip apart the dead carcass of your business. Employee Intelligence bolsters your competitive advantage by getting your business fit to succeed.

We're your crystal ball into the future

It's difficult enough trying to forecast what will happen to your business in the next 7 days. Employee Intelligence provides a long term view into the likely scenarios which will impact your business. We even go so far as to suggest interventions which will help you deal with each scenario.

Here's an overview of our products to help your business thrive


Vantage-Point is the ultimate evolution of business & employee analysis and development. It identifies and enables management of both business issues and employee development needs, and focuses skills development.


View-Point delivers actionable business intelligence by providing an objective measure of business health. More than just identifying symptoms, it uniquely determines the causes of Employee Disengagement.


Match-Point is an in depth personal assessment which determines an employee's propensity for personal development. It assesses an individual's ability to successfully complete training & development and apply their learning in the workplace.


Revolution enables quantification of competence of every leader in your organisation. It provides valuable data on an individuals performance that helps in career and development planning and ultimately impacts the organisations performance.


Touch-Point is an in development service to integrate the outputs from the Vantage-Point service, with real time customer feedback.


Aluminate uniquely assesses employees hired via Graduate entrant and recruitmant schemes. It reviews the contribution that each graduate is making to the business and determines if they and the business are gaining a profitable return from the relationship.